Jeff Bezos donates 98 million to charity Buzz

Jeff Bezos donat

25112019 When you are the worlds secondrichest person you are able to make a few charitable donations and that is what Jeff Bezos is doing donating nearly 100 million dollars to the homeless Through his Bezos Day One Fund the Amazon CEO has made donations to 32 organizations across 23 states in the US to help assist persons who may have fallen on hard times and now live on the streets
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Jeff Bezos Donated 98 Million To Charity And People Are Upset About It Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world worth over 108 billion dollars He and Bill Gates general pass that particular baton back and forth seeming to feel no shame at all about hoarding so much wealth Amazon is worth 800 billion according to CNBC and in 2018 the
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Through his Bezos Day One Fund the Amazon CEO has made donations to 32 organizations across 23 states in the US to help assist persons who may The donations range from 15 million to 5 million and will bring the total donation to 985 million
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Related : Jeff Bezos donates 98 million to charity Buzz.